
ACNH Fortunes: Is Katrina's Purification Worth 10,000 bells?

Katrina's accident in Animal Crossing: New Horizons curses all day with catastrophic luck, but can clear an accident for 10,000 Animal Crossing bells, which is quite expensive. look to the future and predict the fate of the player. The results of her vision affect many details, such as interactions with villagers and falling objects, making it difficult to avoid bad luck. While a less fortunate day certainly has its drawbacks, it is worth considering whether Katrina's purification of Aid to the Church in Need is worth the high price tag.

Katrina's Fortune Telling is open from 5am to 1am on Harv's Island Square, along with other NPCs introduced in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0 update. Katrina can do both Happiness and Friendship Readings once a day, each for the cost of 1,000 bells. After the player has paid their fees, the fortune telling of Animal Crossing will peer into her crystal in a storm of light and wind to see what's to come. Katrina can then cast a cleansing spell on another 10,000 bells if she predicts bad luck.

Katrina's predictions will improve or diminish your happiness for the day in one of four categories: friendship, health, wealth or money. The fortunes of players each day are determined by the fate of the previous day, which must be considered when deciding whether to travel through time in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If a positive reading is obtained one day, there is a 70% chance of being lucky the next day and only a 30% chance of being unlucky. However, if the player is not lucky, he will be 100% lucky the next day. Katrina offers one chance to clear the receiver from an accident for 10,000 ringtones in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which you should definitely consider including.

Katrina's purification at ACNH is worth 10,000 bells

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Katrina will alert those who face unfavorable fortunes to trouble ahead. Depending on which of the four categories of bad luck is adopted, players will experience a wide variety of unfortunate events. A significant decline in friendships with villagers, stumbling while jogging, ACNH Kapp'n's disappointing trips to community islands, tools that break more easily, and fewer bubbles when dropping balloons are just some of the possibilities. Decreased Happiness in ACNH can be costly, annoying, and have long-term repercussions on the island. While Katrina's purification won't turn bad reading into happiness, it will wipe out bad luck as if fate had never been foretold.

In addition to escaping the misfortune, clearing Katrina pays off in the rare Animal Crossing items. The golden turtle figurine, the horseshoe-shaped door decoration, the mini-dharma and the power stones can only be obtained by mail from Katrina the day after the purification. The figures of the Zodiac are even rarer. The corresponding year figure is only available as a seasonal item and it would take over ten years to collect them all in real time. Luckily, Katrina has access to all of the Zodiac animal figures in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Whether he sends his own lucky items or a Zodiac figurine after the purification, the exclusivity of the item itself is worth 10,000 bells.

All things considered, it's worth paying 10,000 bells to remove Katrina's bad luck at ACNH. This not only relieves players of expensive and nasty bad luck, but also gives them the opportunity to acquire rare and exclusive items. Katrina's readings can make a complete difference to the day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but luckily, it also offers a valuable exit.

